sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

Heath Ledger:R I P

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger was born on 4th April,1979 in Perth(Western Australia). His family was Scottish and Irish. His father, Kim Ledger,was a mining engineer and his mother, Sally Ledger Bell, was a French teacher.

Heath Ledger started his career while he was in high school. His first film was `Two Hands´.In 1999 Ledger started his career in Holywood with `Ten things I hate about you´. After that´, he participated in `The patriot´and was protagonist in `A knight's tale´.

In 2001 he won showest award for his role in `The patriot´but his most important film was `Brokeback Mountain´. With this film he won an Oscar nd was nominated for Golden Globe in 2005 . He was also a protagonist in a new version of `Casanova´,`The dark knight´and ´The imaginarium of Dr. Pamassus´,that he couldn't finish, but the film will be completed with Colin Farrel,Jude Law and Johnny Depp.

Heath Ledger was not only a talented actor. He was a producer and director of music videos. He was also a good spotsman and he had a future as hockhey player.

Besides, he was married and he had a daughter.

Heath Ledger died on 22 of January 2008 in Manhattan at the age f 28.

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