miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009


Self-Service is a modern way to serve oureselves in many shops without having to ask a shop assistant.

There are many kinds of self-service, such as serving oureselves food in restaurants or petrol to fill up cars' tanks in a petrol station. But the most common is `online self-service´.

Now we can buy and purchase everything we want without going out of home. It is as simple as doing a click and we can serve oureselves everything we want.

But it hasn't always been so easy as that. Before the Internet, customers used to go shopping to supermarkets and had to ask the shop assistant for the products they wanted to buy, and the same happened in restaurants, petrol stations or banks.

Until the self-service arrived as a new way to buy or get things and it was a very succesful way.

The advantages of this kind of service is that you don't have to ask anybody to get whatever you want. You can choose everything you want, without wasting too much time on it, so people who are always in the rush find it a comfortable and useful way to do their shopping.

The disadventages of this service may be the danger that could be for the seller. The possibility that people could serve themeselves bring with it the possibility to steal the products.

But fortunately, nowadays there are many technologies that keep the shops safe from thieves and so, in the future the self-service will only rest as a way to serve costumers everywhere.

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