lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Goth subculture

  • The goth subculture is a contemporary subcuture which began in the United Kingdom during the early 1980s. the gothic rock became its own subgenre within post-punk, and that followers of these bands started to come together as a distinctly recognizable movememtn gothic rock. as opposed to punk, gothic rock combines dark, often keyboard-heavy music with introspective and depressing lyrics.

However, by the 1990s, the term goth subculture had become more contentious.

the ideology of this subgenre is inspired by the romanticism and neoromanticism and it is based far more on aesthetics and simplified ethics than politics.

During the late 18th and 19th century, feelings of horror and supernatural dread were widespread motifs in popular literature; nowadays we can see that this process in the modern horror films.

  • The mass media has made reports that the have influenced the public view that goths, or people associated with the subculture, are malicious; however this is disputed and the goth subculture is often described as non-violent and, contrary of what some people think, goths are usually not supportive of violence, but rather tolerant.

  • Goth fashion is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid, style of dress. Styles are often borrowed from the Elizabethan, Victorian or medieval period and often express Catholic or other religious imagery such as crucifixes or ankhs.

Today we do accept more this subculture as we see in dark films like the famous Interview with the Vampire and all the Anne Rice's saga.

And also we are somehow attracted by this genre, which is a kind mysterious for us, so it is more common to hear about new gothic bands in the music field.

After all, no matter which culture it is, we will always have new other cultures that will interest us and that we can like or not.

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